Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Adi Parvamu- Part IV Introduction

The son of Yayati, Puru became an emperor. He is the root of the Puru Dynasty. His wife was Kausalya. She had a son named Janamejaya( not to be mistaken with Janamejaya, son of Parikshit ), he became a King and performed three Ashwamedha Yagnas. Anatha was the wife of Janamejaya, he had a son named Pracheenwantha from Anatha. Pracheenwantha conquered the land until Udayachala, Hence the name Pracheesa ( Meaning the King of East). Pracheenwantha's wife is Asmaki, their son was Samyati. Samyati's wife is Varangi, their son was Ahamyati, Ahamyati's wife was the daughter of KrithaVeerya namely Bhanumathi. SaarvaBhouma was the son of Bhanumathi and Ahamyati, SaarvaBhouma's wife was the daughter of KekayaRaja, Sunanda and they had a son named Jayatsena. Jayatsena's wife was the daughter of King of Vidarbha, Susravasa, they had a son Suracheena. Suracheena's wife was Maryada and they had a son named Ariha. Ariha had a wife named Aangi and they had a son MahaBhouma. MahaBhouma's wife was the daughter of PrasenaJit, Suyagnya and they had a son Ayuthanayi. Wife of Ayuthanayi was the daughter of PruduSravasa, Kama and they had a son Akrodhana. Wife was Akrodhana was the daughter of Kalinga, Ramba, they had a son Devathithi. Wife of Devathithi was the daughter of VidehaKing, Maryada, they had a son Ruchika. Wife of Ruchika was the daughter of AngaKingdom, Sudeva, they had a son Ruksha. Wife of Ruksha was the daughter of Daksha, Jwala, they had a son Mathinaara. Mathinaara performed SatraYaga ( A sacred Yagna) for 12 years on the banks of River Sarasvati. River Sarasvati fell in love with him and they married and had a son Trisa. Trisa married Kalindi and they had a son Ileena. Ileena married Radhantari and they had a son Dushyanta.