Friday, March 27, 2009

Adi Parvamu-The Story of Vyasa

Rishi Parashara was equivalent to Prajapati. His union with Satyavati gave her SadhyoGarbha(its the condition of immediate conception at the very instance of union) giving her a male child. Rishi Parashara granted her all wishes and he left the place. Vyasa is the son of Satyavati. He is also known as Krishna Dvaipayana (referring to his complexion and birthplace). He is the author of the great Epic Mahābhārata. He was born with long hair in folds, had clothing of deer skin, Kamandalam(A water pot (Kamandalam) made from a dry pumpkin), YogaDanda. As soon as he was born he stood up and bowed to his mother and said " Mother!, think of me when you need me and I will appear in front of your eyes" and he then left to the forest for penance. He performed great penance and became a great sage. He divided the Vedas and wrote the fifth veda which is Mahābhārata.
Those who participated in the war were the ones that were born by the grace of Gods, Demons, Yaksha, Bird clan or Gandharva. Parasurama was angry on Kshatriyas ( The Kings). He invaded then and plundered their kingdoms twenty one times. He slew each and every Kshatriya that came to his sight with his saw. The widowed women of Kshatriyas were able to give birth to the next of Kin by the grace of Rishis, they gave birth to sons and daughters. Kingdoms flourished again, they took care of people very well. Bandits and robbers were kept under control and people were at peace. The caste system created was functioning normally. Yagnas were performed everywhere. With the grace of Lord Devendra there were rains throughout the year. Crops were abundant and the Kingdoms were prosperous. Population began to increase, the life span of people also began to increase.
BhuDevi was not able to bear the burden of all this. She went and plead to Brahmā the creator, Vishnu the maintainer or preserver, and Śiva the destroyer or transformer. This problem can only be resolved with mass destruction of humankind. This is only possible when there is a great war. Hence according to the word of Lord Brahmā, Lord Vishnu and Lord Devendra reincarnated on Earth. Rakshasas and Yakshas reincarnated on earth and became nightmares for people. The people who were born with the grace of Gods were in the side of Pandavas and those who born with the grace of Rakshasas were on the side of Kauravas. This way the two sides went in to a dreadful war and died. Millions of people died and the burden on BhuDevi was reduced.