Ugrasravana said to the Munis "You have heard the story of Ruru. The reason serpents began dying in Janamejaya's Sarpa Yagam was not solely Udanka, but it was also the Mother of snakes Kadruva. Her curse shook the very existence of snakes. A mothers curse can be very lethal even to snakes. Let us hear the story of serpents".
This is the story from KritaYuga. In those days, Kasyapa Prajapati had many wives. Among them Vinatha and Kadruva were the wives who had seeked his help to obtain sons. Finally Prajapati was convinced and asked them to ask for anything they wanted. Kadruva said" I would like to have thousand sons who are Immortal, have bodies that can withstand fire and are very strong". Vinatha said" I would like to have two sons who are stronger and valiant than Kadruva's sons". Prajapati had performed penance and Putrakameshti Yagna to have sons, hence he was able to give those blessings with ease. He warned them to be very careful during pregnancy. Vinatha and Kadruva were very happy and they became pregnants. After sometime thousand eggs emerged from Kadruva's womb and two eggs emerged from Vinatha's womb. They preserved their eggs in Ghee pots. After five hundred years Kadhruva's eggs started to hatch one by one. Sesha (Naga Ananta) was the foremost, and then Vasuki. Then were born Airavata, Takshaka, Karkotaka (linked with Nala, king of Nishadha), Dhananjaya, Kalakeya (was also mentioned as an Asura clan), the serpent Mani, Purana, Pinjaraka, and Elapatra, Vamana, Nila, Anila, Kalmasha, Savala, Aryaka, Ugra, Kalasapotaka, Suramukha, Dadhimukha, Vimalapindaka, Apta, Karotaka, Samkha, Valisikha, Nisthanaka, Hemaguha, Nahusha (Nahusha was also described as a king in the Lunar Dynasty; Pururavas (first king of Lunar dynasty) -> Ayus - > Nahusha), Pingala, Vahyakarna, Hastipada, Mudgarapindaka, Kamvala Aswatara, Kaliyaka, Vritta, Samvartaka, Padma, Mahapadma, Sankhamukha, Kushmandaka, Kshemaka, Pindaraka, Karavira, Pushpadanshtraka, Vilwaka, Vilwapandara, Mushikada, Sankhasiras, Purnabhadra, Haridraka, Aparajita, Jyotika, Srivaha, Kauravya, Dhritarashtra (also mentioned as a Gandharva king), Sankhapinda, Virajas, Suvahu, Salipinda, Prabhakara, Hastipinda, Pitharaka, Sumuksha, Kaunapashana, Kuthara, Kunjara, Kumuda, Kumudaksha, Tittri, Halika, Kardama, Vahumulaka, Karkara, Akarkara, Kundodara, and Mahodara namely were thousand of them born.
Kadruva was very happy seeing her kids. Vinatha was sad, she felt inferior as her eggs did not hatch. She could'nt wait for any longer, she forcefully hatched on of her eggs. Only the upper body of the bird was formed, his lega and thighs had not formed yet. This was her son Anoora( also called a Aruna). Vinatha was devastated. She cried her heart out, but in vain. Anoora was very angry on his mother for having done this to him and he cursed Vinatha “You were jealous of Kadruva and her kids. You hatched my egg before my body completely formed; you will bear the consequences for you bad deeds. You will become a slave to Kadruva for five hundred years. No atleast take care of the other egg and let it hatch by itself. The one born out of that egg will be extremely powerful and brave. He will relieve you of Slavery". He then bid good bye to his mother and left to become a charioteer for Lord Surya. Anoora is, was and shall always be the charioteer for Lord Surya.
This is the story from KritaYuga. In those days, Kasyapa Prajapati had many wives. Among them Vinatha and Kadruva were the wives who had seeked his help to obtain sons. Finally Prajapati was convinced and asked them to ask for anything they wanted. Kadruva said" I would like to have thousand sons who are Immortal, have bodies that can withstand fire and are very strong". Vinatha said" I would like to have two sons who are stronger and valiant than Kadruva's sons". Prajapati had performed penance and Putrakameshti Yagna to have sons, hence he was able to give those blessings with ease. He warned them to be very careful during pregnancy. Vinatha and Kadruva were very happy and they became pregnants. After sometime thousand eggs emerged from Kadruva's womb and two eggs emerged from Vinatha's womb. They preserved their eggs in Ghee pots. After five hundred years Kadhruva's eggs started to hatch one by one. Sesha (Naga Ananta) was the foremost, and then Vasuki. Then were born Airavata, Takshaka, Karkotaka (linked with Nala, king of Nishadha), Dhananjaya, Kalakeya (was also mentioned as an Asura clan), the serpent Mani, Purana, Pinjaraka, and Elapatra, Vamana, Nila, Anila, Kalmasha, Savala, Aryaka, Ugra, Kalasapotaka, Suramukha, Dadhimukha, Vimalapindaka, Apta, Karotaka, Samkha, Valisikha, Nisthanaka, Hemaguha, Nahusha (Nahusha was also described as a king in the Lunar Dynasty; Pururavas (first king of Lunar dynasty) -> Ayus - > Nahusha), Pingala, Vahyakarna, Hastipada, Mudgarapindaka, Kamvala Aswatara, Kaliyaka, Vritta, Samvartaka, Padma, Mahapadma, Sankhamukha, Kushmandaka, Kshemaka, Pindaraka, Karavira, Pushpadanshtraka, Vilwaka, Vilwapandara, Mushikada, Sankhasiras, Purnabhadra, Haridraka, Aparajita, Jyotika, Srivaha, Kauravya, Dhritarashtra (also mentioned as a Gandharva king), Sankhapinda, Virajas, Suvahu, Salipinda, Prabhakara, Hastipinda, Pitharaka, Sumuksha, Kaunapashana, Kuthara, Kunjara, Kumuda, Kumudaksha, Tittri, Halika, Kardama, Vahumulaka, Karkara, Akarkara, Kundodara, and Mahodara namely were thousand of them born.
Kadruva was very happy seeing her kids. Vinatha was sad, she felt inferior as her eggs did not hatch. She could'nt wait for any longer, she forcefully hatched on of her eggs. Only the upper body of the bird was formed, his lega and thighs had not formed yet. This was her son Anoora( also called a Aruna). Vinatha was devastated. She cried her heart out, but in vain. Anoora was very angry on his mother for having done this to him and he cursed Vinatha “You were jealous of Kadruva and her kids. You hatched my egg before my body completely formed; you will bear the consequences for you bad deeds. You will become a slave to Kadruva for five hundred years. No atleast take care of the other egg and let it hatch by itself. The one born out of that egg will be extremely powerful and brave. He will relieve you of Slavery". He then bid good bye to his mother and left to become a charioteer for Lord Surya. Anoora is, was and shall always be the charioteer for Lord Surya.
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