Lord Brahmā was and is the creator of the entire universe. He had six ManasaPutras ( Mind born of Brahmā), this title is given to the child who is Mind born of Brahmā and they are thought as identical to Prajapatis, the progenitors of all beings in a creation. They were Marichi, Angiras, Atri, Pulastya, Pulaha and Kratu. Kasyapa was born to Marichi. Its because of Kasyapa that the entire earthly creatures were born. Listen to how his creation came in to existence. DakshaPrajapati was born from Lord Brahmā's right thumb and BhuDevi was born from the left thumb. It is believed that the union of a man and a woman started from DakshaPrajapati. DakshaPrajapati and BhuDevi had thousand sons and fifty daughters. None of his sons married. Everyone practiced SankhyaYoga and they attained Moksha. DakshaPrajapati was barren inspite of having thousand sons since none of them had heirs. Hence he made an arrangement with his daughters, which is called Putreekaranam. An agreement stating that the male children born to them will be pronounced as his sons. Among his daughters he got Kirthi, Lakshmi, Dhriti, Medha, Pushti, Shraddha, Kriya, Buddhi, Lajja and Mati married to Dharma, who was born to Lord Brahmā from his right breast. He got his 27 daughters Nakshatras married to Chandra. He got his daughters Aditi, Diti, Dānu, Kala, Danayu, Sinhika, Krodha, Pradha, Viswa, Vinata, Kapila, Muni, and Kadru married to Kashyapa.
Aditi is preeminently the mother of 12 Adityas whose names are as follows: Vivasvān, Aryamā, Pūsā, Tvastā, Savitā, Bhaga, Dhātā, Vidhātā, Varuna, Mitra, Śatru, and Urukrama. She is also the mother of the great god Indra. Hence they are called Adityas.
Diti gave birth to Hiranyakashipu. Hiranyakashipu had Prahlada, Samhlada, Anuhlada, Sibi and Bhashkala, five sons. Prahlada had three sons, Virochana, Kumbha and Nikumbha. Bali was born to Virochana, Banasura was born to Bali. Since they are the descendants of Diti, they are known as Daityas.
Dānu gave birth to Viprachitti, Sambara, Namachi, Pulomudu, Lomudu, Asilomudu, Kesa, Durjayudu, Ayassarudu, Swasira, Ayassankha, Gaganamoordha, Vegavatha, Kethumatha, Swarbhana, Aswu, Aswapati, Vrushaparva, Ajaka, Ashwagreeva, Sukshma, Tuhunda, EkaChakra, Viroopaksha, Nichandra, Nikunbha, Kupadha, Sarabha, Surya, Chandrama, Ekaksha, Mruthapu, Pralambha, Naraka, Vatapi, Satrutapana, Satha, Gavistha, Nanayuvu and DeerghaJihva, 40 sons. she had grandsons and great grand sons and their population just grew in number. They are hence called Danavas.
Kala gave birth to eight sons Vinasaka, Krodha etc.. and they were called Kaleyas. Danayu gave birth to Vikshara, Bala, Veera and Vruthu. Sinhika gave birth to Rahu. Muni gave birth to Bhimasena, Ugrasena, Varuna, Gopati, Dhrutharashtra, SuryaVarchassa, SatyaVakku, Arkaparna, Prayutha, Visrutha, Bhima Chitraradha, Salisira, Parjanya, Kali and Narada, 16 gandharvas. Kapila gave birth to Cows, Amrutham, Brahmins, Gritachi, Menaka etc.. who were prostitutes of Gods. Vinata gave birth to Garuthmantha and Anoora. Anoora and Syeni had Sampati and Jatayu as their sons.
Krodha gave birth to Krodhavasaganamu. Pradha gave birth to Siddha, Purna, Barhee, Purnayuvu, Brahmachari, Ratiguna, Suparna, Vishwavasa, Bhanu, Suchandra, 10 sons who are gandharvas, Anavadhya, Manuvu, Vamsa, Asura, MarganaPriya, Anapa, Subhaga, Bhasi as her daughters and Haha, Huhu and Tumbura were born. Krura gave birth to Suchandra, Chandrahantra etc.. Kadru gave birth to thousand snakes among whom Sesha, Vasuki etc.. were most powerful.
Angiras' wife is Surūpa and his sons are Utathya, Samvartana and Brihaspati. Yogasiddhi was his daughter. Brihaspati later became the guru of the Devas. Atri had children who were great sages. Pulastya had Rakshasas and Pulaha had Kinnaras and Kimpurushas. Kratu had Valakhilyas.
Dharma gave birth to Prajapati. He had seven wives namely Dhruma, BrahmaVidya, manasvini, Rata, Swasa, Shandili, Prabhata. Dhruma had Dharā, BrahmaVidya had Dhruva, Manasvini had Soma, Rata had Aha, Swasa had Anila, Shandili had Anala, Prabhata had Pratyusha and Prabhasa. They are called AshtaVasuvus. Dharā had Dravina and HuthaHavyaHava. Dhruva had Kala. Soma had sons named Varchassa, Sisira, Prana, Ramana and daughter named Prudha from Manohara. Prudha had 10 sons who were gandharva Kings. Aha had Jyothi. Anila had Manojawa and Avignyatagati from Siva. Anala had Kumara, Prathyusha had Devala and Prabhasa had Lord Vishwakarma from the sister of Brihaspati who was called Yogasiddhi. Lord Vishwakarma created planes and ornaments for Gods.
Lord Brahmā had another ManasaPutra Sthana. He had eleven sons namely Mrugavadhya, Sarva, Nirruti, Ajaikapada, AhirbhuDhryu, Pinaki, Vamadeva, Dahaneswara, Kapali, Sthana, Bhargu and they were Rudras.
Dharma has another three sons Sama, Kama and Harsha. And they had Prapthi, Rati and Nanda as wives. Savitā and Twapshtri( a female horse) had Ashvins. Lord Brahmā had another son Maharishi Bhrigu who was born from his heart. Maharishi Bhrigu had a son named Kavi. Kavi had a son named Shukra, and the guru of the Asuras. He had four sons namely Chanda, Amarka, Twaashtra and Dharaatra. Maharishi Bhrigu had another son named Chyavana. He was married to the daughter of Manu named Arushi, Ourwa was born to her from her thigh. Ourwa then had one hundred sons one of them being Rucheeka. Later Rucheeka had a son named Jamadagni. Jamadagni had four sons the youngest of whom was Parashurama (the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu). To help Manu in creation, Lord Brahmā had two more sons Dhata and Vidhaata. Lakshmi was born along with them and she had many Manasa Putras. Varuna and Jyeshta had a son Bala, and Sura was their daughter. Sura had a son named Adharma, he later had three sons named Bhayam, MahaBhayam and Mruthyuvu with his wife Nirruti.
Tamra had five daughters namely Kaki, Syeni, Bhasi, Dhrutharashtri and Suki. Among them Kaki(Crow) had Gudlagooba(Owls), Syeni had Hawks as her kids, Bhasi had Vultures, Dhrutharashtri had Swans and Chakravakam (ruddy goose or Brahmany duck) and Sukhi had Chilaka(Birds). Krodha had nine daughters namely Mrugi, Mrugamanda, Hari, Bhadramanasa, Maatangi, Sharduli, Shwetha, Surabhi and Surasa. Mrugi had deers, Mrugamanda had Bears and wild boars, Hari had Monkeys, Bhadramanasa had Airavata, and Airavata gave birth to the elephants that sevre Gods. Maatangi also had elephants, Sharduli had Lions and Tigers, Shwetha had Airaavana, Pundareeka, Vaamana, Kumuda, Anjana, Pushpadanta, Sarwabhouma, Suprateeka. whose wives are Abhra, Kapila, Pingala, Anupama, Taamraparni, Subhradanti, Angana, Anjanaavati. Surabhi had Rohini, Gandharvi and Anala. Rohini had other animals, Gandharvi had Horses and Anala had Mountains, trees and plants. Surasa had snakes. These are the details of birth of Gods and others. Now let me explain the details of people who were born with the grace of Gods and Demons.
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